1. Abhorrent Affairs

Welcome back to DOOM!

Deanna had a shelter built for her by the invisible, yet ever present, mysterious unknown government agency that administers Simsville. It's as shabby as it looks, or shabbier.

Her desired career, Paranormal, wasn't in the paper that day, so she chose to remain unemployed.

Somehow, Sims still lived and could come by Deanna's hut, including a red-headed woman who Deanna had wronged at Academie Le Tour, Chris Tang.

By a day or two into her life in Simsville, Deanna met and quickly befriended a cat named Ocelot.

He joined the household, and suddenly Deanna wasn't alone.*

*See my rules notes on the Boolprop thread!

Without a job, life was boring for Deanna. She could only cook a few hot dogs a day.

Even though Paranormal still wasn't showing up, Deanna decided to get a job in Politics with the vague government agency until she could do what she wanted.

The government was so secretive that Deanna had no idea what she did in her one day on the job.

The same day she worked, Deanna invited Chris into her hut. Chris had been stalking her since she left ALT; she walked by the house 4 times while Deanna was at work!! Deanna improved their relationship back up to a loving friendship (since Chris had caught Deanna making out with another Sim at ALT), and they did what bored Sims do.

Deanna's life was miserable. She had no toilet or shower, so she was constantly filthy. When her sink broke, she couldn't even sponge bathe.

Furthermore, Ocelot was taken away by the vague government agency!

With funds from her one day of work, she was able to buy a toilet, although it left her with almost nothing. She figured she'd need it to feel a little better...

While she was PREGNANT.

Deanna now couldn't work, because of the pregnancy. She managed to adopt another pet, a dog named Jasper.

Deanna was on the brink of death for basically her entire pregnancy.

Deanna gave birth alone and dirty in her house...

To TWINS!!!!!!!!!!*

*This is about as GOOD as Deanna's needs ever are. Also, I'm ignoring the want-locking restriction.

Deanna named her twins Antichrist and Agrat*.

*Antichrist is named after, well, the Antichrist. Agrat is named after Agrat bat Mahlat, the queen of demons in Jewish Kaballah. Click here for reading on Jewish demonology.

The lives of the Doom family with the A kids as infants was MISERABLE. The hut was filthy, Deanna was constantly on the verge of death (with all of her needs typically completely red except for hunger), and the babies never stopped crying.

Miraculously, they all survived to the kids' toddler birthdays.

Jasper was alive, too, but he had to quit the Service job he had for two days because he refused to go.

He was loved by the twins, but...

Like Ocelot, he was taken away by the vague government agency!!*

*This time on purpose! He made keeping Deanna, Antichrist, and Agrat alive nearly impossible!

With Antichrist and Agrat as toddlers, life was still as impossibly hard as it was when they were infants. Neither of them learned any toddler skills.

They survived into childhood in the most miserable house in the world.

Life revolved around who could use the bed and sink at any given moment.

Deanna couldn't really do anything, meanwhile, except call friends on Tuesday afternoons.

She also played around with the apocalypse vermin, getting her sick!*

*Shoutout to a Cherry Sims from my unpublished BaCC for spraying them where Deanna can't! The Doom family lives in the empty downtown of the BaCC neighborhood.

Antichrist and Agrat were only able to complete one homework each as children.

They didn't like each other, and despite each of them having 10 nice points, they never had a SINGLE positive interaction!

And that's how it was when the vague governmental agency came to take them!

Just like that, Agrat and Antichrist Doom were gone.

 That left Deanna Doom, foundress of the epic DOOM story, childless, unemployed (with the day's newspaper turned into an airplane), almost an elder, and alone.

Will she make anything of herself, or is the story of a 27-generation epic story just a scheme to get viewers for our 3-episode misery special? Catch the next episode of DOOM on SBS to find out!


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